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The Manhasset/Great Neck E.O.C. Summer Program provides a safe, enriching, and fun experience for your child. The program teaches self-esteem, self-confidence, and responsibility. We offer a wide range of educational activities as well as sports and recreation. The children will participate in a variety of well-supervised activities including Arts & Crafts, Special Events, Workshops, & much more!

Due to the coronavirus, this year’s summer program will look different but it is our goal to offer quality services to children and families with the help of a dedicated and caring staff and the support of volunteers who bring their love of children and varying talents and skills with them to the program.

All program participants—children, staff, and volunteers—will need to wear a face covering throughout the day and adhere to protocols for social distancing, hand washing, and sanitizing. 

2020 Summer Camp Survey

It's been an unusual year with all of us working and learning from home since March so we were excited to be able to welcome the children back for our 2020 Summer Camp.  As you know we had to do things a little differently this year in order to keep everyone safe and healthy but we think the children had fun while they learned new skills, made new friends, caught up on some of their reading and math skills, and had a chance to get outside for fresh air and recreation.


We'd appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete this Camp Satisfaction Survey by September 1st to let us know how you and your child feel about this camp experience.  Please be honest-- tell us what you liked, what you didn't like, and what you would change.


Ha sido un año inusual con todos trabajando y aprendiendo desde casa desde marzo, así que estábamos emocionados de poder dar la bienvenida a los niños a nuestro campamento de verano 2020. Como saben, tuvimos que hacer las cosas de manera un poco diferente este año para mantener a todos seguros y saludables, pero creemos que los niños se divirtieron mientras aprendían nuevas habilidades, hicieron nuevos amigos, se pusieron al día con algunas de sus habilidades de lectura y matemáticas, y Tuve la oportunidad de salir a tomar aire fresco y divertirse.


Le agradeceríamos que se tomara unos minutos para completar esta Encuesta de satisfacción del campamento antes del 1 de septiembre para hacernos saber cómo se sienten usted y su hijo acerca de esta experiencia del campamento. Sea honesto, díganos qué le gustó, qué no le gustó y qué cambiaría.

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